Strides Pharma acquires stake in Fairmed Healthcare AG in Europe; stock trades flat - Highlight Investment Research


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Wednesday, 11 September 2019

Strides Pharma acquires stake in Fairmed Healthcare AG in Europe; stock trades flat

Strides Pharma Science Limited (Strides) announced that its step down subsidiary Strides Pharma Global Pte Ltd(SPG) has acquired a majority stake in Fairmed Healthcare AG(Fairmed), a Switzerland based company with a portfolio of high‐quality generic products encompassing prescription and over‐the‐counter drugs across several therapeutic segments.

Under the terms of the agreement, SPG will hold 70% of the issued capital of Firmed. Strides have infused CHF 2.2 mn into the entity in lieu of the equity stake. 

The Other Regulated market for Strides comprises of its businesses in the UK, EU, South Africa, Canada and the supplies to Australia.  

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