Top 5 open position gainers & losers guide ahead of today's opening - Highlight Investment Research


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Tuesday, 31 July 2018

Top 5 open position gainers & losers guide ahead of today's opening

Open interest (Open positions) is the total number of outstanding contracts that are held by market participants at any point in time. It measures the total level of activity in the futures and options market. Open interest tends to act as a leading indicator and can be used to gauge and identify an intermediate trend of underline securities in future and options market.

Price and Open Interest general rule:

DecreaseIncreaseShort build up
DecreaseDecreaseLong Unwinding
IncreaseIncreaseLong build up
IncreaseDecreaseShort covering

Following is the list of top 5 open interest gainers and losers in yesterday's trade:

OI Gainers
UnderlineOI (lakhs)% OI ChgPrice% Price ChgAction
INDIANB3028.03652.6Long Buildup
APOLLOHOSP1522.2939(0.2)Short Buildup
GODREJCP1917.11319(0.0)Short Buildup
CHENNPETRO1916.93006.7Long Buildup
BRITANNIA914.86375(0.7)Short Buildup
OI Losers
UnderlineOI (lakhs)% OI ChgPrice% Price ChgAction
NIITTECH11(9.1)1224(1.0)Long Unwinding
ICICIPRULI42(8.6)4211.9Short Covering
KPIT46(6.9)296(1.0)Long Unwinding
EQUITAS239(4.5)140(0.3)Long Unwinding
ANDHRABANK216(3.4)366.7Short Covering

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